GN 02402.220 List of International Direct Deposit (IDD) Countries and references for updating the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)

International Direct Deposit (IDD) data is retained on the MBR in the same fields that are used to retain U.S. direct deposit information. However, the Social Security Administration (SSA) creates a pseudo routing/transit number (RTN) for IDD by adding a two-digit prefix to the foreign bank/branch number. For some countries, part or all of the bank/branch number must be included in the Depositor Account Number (DAN). For countries included in multi-country contracts, the two-digit prefix identifies the processor bank, and the first character of the DAN is a letter that identifies the country. The exception is Greece, which is under a multi-country contract but has a separate two-digit prefix.

It is absolutely crucial to add this information: use the correct RTN prefix code; include the foreign bank information in the RTN and DAN fields; and

include the country letter for any country included in a multi-country contract, when this is shown in the chart at GN 02402.220B.2. in this section.

B. Description - International Direct Deposit (IDD) RTN prefix codes

1. Table - RTN prefix codes

The two-digit IDD RTN prefix is different for each country or contractor bank. The first digit of the prefix is always a “5,” “6,” or “7,” which identifies the payment method as IDD.

The two-position RTN prefix codes currently in use are as follows:

Canada – Canadian dollar accounts.

(See 62 for U.S. dollar accounts.)

Canada – U.S. dollar accounts.

(See “51” for Canadian dollar accounts.)

Citibank Multi-country Contract 2

Citibank Multi-country Contract

Bank of Scotland Multi-country Contract

2. Table - multi-country codes

The following table lists the multi-country codes currently in use. These countries, included under multi-country contracts, are identified by a combination of the two-digit prefix and the first character of the DAN.

66 A Argentina
66 U Colombia
66 Q Croatia
66 C Czech Republic
66 W Dominica
66 K Ghana
66 J Jordan
66 X Kenya
66 G Latvia
66 B Brazil
66 R Belize
66 P Egypt
66 F Estonia
66 E Hungary
66 L Iceland
66 I India
66 Y Japan (Yen accounts)
66 Kenya
66 H Lithuania
66 M Luxembourg
66 O Samoa
66 D Slovakia
66 V Slovenia
66 S Singapore
66 Z Suriname
66 T Turkey
66 N Nauru
68 M Bosnia Herzegovina
68 G Bulgaria
68 X Cambodia
68 E Costa Rica
68 U Chile
68 I Ethiopia
68 A Indonesia
68 C Lebanon
68 Y Liberia
68 L Macedonia
68 R Morocco
68 D Nigeria
68 V Palestine
68 P Paraguay
68 Q Russia
68 H Sierra Leone
68 B South Korea
68 K Taiwan
68 Z Tanzania
68 F Tunisia
68 W Vietnam
70 U Martinique
70 O Bolivia
70 A Anguilla
70 B Antigua & Barbuda
70 D Bahama Islands
70 E Poland
70 F Barbados
70 G British Virgin Islands
70 H Cayman Islands
70 J Dominican Republic
70 V Ecuador
70 X Georgia
70 K Grenada
70 L Haiti
70 Y Honduras
70 M Jamaica
70 W Montenegro
70 Z Nicaragua
70 N Sint Maarten
70 P St. Vincent & the Grenadines
70 R Trinidad & Tobago
70 S St. Lucia
70 T St. Kitts & Nevis
70 Q Peru
70 I Philippines
71 Y Brunei
71 I China
71 O Cape Verde
71 S Albania
71 W Guatemala
71 X Eritrea
71 E Monaco
71 P Pakistan
71 Q Romania
71 C San Marino
71 X Solomon Islands
71 A Austria
71 B Belgium
71 D Cyprus
71 F Denmark
71 G Finland
71 H Hong Kong
71 J Malta
71 U Montserrat
71 K Netherlands
71 L New Zealand
71 M South Africa
71 N Switzerland
71 R Israel
71 V Uruguay
72 H Bahrain
72 I Bonaire
72 W Cameroon
72 D El Salvador
72 J Fiji Islands
72 M French Polynesia
72 A Marshall Islands
72 C Micronesia
72 K Moldova
72 U Mongolia
72 N Myanmar
72 O Nepal
72 G Palau
72 F Qatar
72 E Saudi Arabia
72 T Tonga
72 L Turks and Caicos
72 Z Uganda
73 A Algeria
73 R Aruba
73 N Bermuda.
73 P Curacao
73 B Gambia
73 E Guinea
73 W Guyana
73 Z Iraq
73 Q Macao
73 M Senegal
73 H Sudan
73 T Thailand
73 I Ukraine
73 L United Arab Emirates
73 J Yemen
73 G Zimbabwe
74 H Andorra
74 J Bhutan
74 Q Botswana
74 S Comoros
74 M Cote D’Ivoire
74 Z Djibouti
74 I East Timor
74 Y Lesotho
74 S Libya
74 X Madagascar
74 F Malawi
74 L Maldives
74 N Mauritania
74 P Mauritius
74 O Niger
74 B New Caledonia
74 A Papua New Guinea
74 W Rwanda
74 G Vanuatu
75 D Democratic Republic of Congo
75 D Republic of Congo

C. Process - routing of edits

All rejects relating to direct deposit actions transmitted through are routed to Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Edits relating to IDD actions transmitted by a Federal Benefits Unit (FBU) are sent to the Office of International Operations (OIO). If the FBU has access to IWS-LAN, the edits are routed to the transmitting office. Edits relating to IDD actions transmitted by a field office (FO) are sent to that office.

D. Policy - coding IDD for the MBR

The following chart provides all IDD countries in alphabetical order, with the appropriate enrollment form suffix number, and the Program Operations Manual System (POMS) reference that provides the enrollment form and coding instructions::

IDD Country Form Suffix after “SSA-1199-” Location in POMS
Albania OP48 GN 02402.369G
Algeria OP109 GN 02402.421B
Andorra OP129 GN 02402.450B
Anguilla OP1 GN 02402.311E
Antigua and Barbuda OP2 GN 02402.312E
Argentina OP38 GN 02402.355G
Aruba OP124 GN 02402.426B
Australia OP3 GN 02402.310E
Austria AS GN 02402.313E
Bahama Islands OP4 GN 02402.314E
Bahrain OP87 GN 02402.431B
Bangladesh OP59 GN 02402.390A
Barbados OP5 GN 02402.315E
Belgium OP6 GN 02402.316E
Belize OP36 GN 02402.362G
Bermuda OP94 GN 02402.416B
Bhutan OP135 GN 02402.455B
Bolivia OP47 GN 02402.370G
Bonaire OP84 GN 02402.432B
Bosnia Herzegovina OP57 GN 02402.388A
Botswana OP138 GN 02402.459B
Brazil OP50 GN 02402.356G
British Virgin Islands OP7 GN 02402.317E
Brunei OP122 GN 02402.441B
Bulgaria OP55 GN 02402.382A
Cambodia OP71 GN 02402.398B
Cameroon OP121 GN 02402.442B
Canada CN GN 02402.300G
Cape Verde OP41 GN 02402.371G
Cayman Islands OP8 GN 02402.318E
Chile OP78 GN 02402.407B
China OP49 GN 02402.372G
Colombia OP44 GN 02402.360G
Comoros OP145 GN 02402.466B
Costa Rica OP51 GN 02402.380A
Cote D’Ivoire OP139 GN 02402.460B
Croatia OP50 GN 02402.357G
Curacao OP95 GN 02402.417B
Cyprus OP9 GN 02402.319E
Czech Republic OP13 GN 02402.358G
Dem Rep of Congo OP146 GN 02402.467B
Denmark DN GN 02402.320E
Djibouti OP147 GN 02402.469B
Dominica OP42 GN 02402.364H
Dominican Republic SP–OP1 GN 02402.321E
East Timor OP132 GN 02402.451B
Ecuador OP75 GN 02402.404B
Egypt OP33 GN 02402.354G
El Salvador OP97 GN 02402.418B
Eritrea OP74 GN 02402.399B
Estonia ES GN 02402.345F
Ethiopia OP60 GN 02402.384A
Fiji Islands OP105 GN 02402.420B
Finland OP10 GN 02402.322E
France FR GN 02402.301E
French Polynesia OP114 GN 02402.436B
Gambia OP118 GN 02402.427B
Georgia OP85 GN 02402.410B
Germany GE GN 02402.302E
Ghana OP40 GN 02402.359G
Greece GR GN 02402.339E
Greece, English version GR-OP1 GN 02402.339E
Grenada OP11 GN 02402.323E
Guatemala OP91 GN 02402.411B
Guinea OP148 GN 02402.470B
Guyana OP127 GN 02402.446B
Haiti HC GN 02402.324E
Honduras OP88 GN 02402.415B
Hong Kong OP12 GN 02402.325E
Hungary HU GN 02402.341G
Hungary, English version HU-OP1 GN 02402.341G
Iceland OP28 GN 02402.351G
India IN GN 02402.344G
Indonesia OP36 GN 02402.365G
Iraq OP126 GN 02402.447B
Ireland OP13 GN 02402.303E
Israel OP14 GN 02402.337E
Italy IT GN 02402.304F
Jamaica OP15 GN 02402.326E
Japan JA GN 02402.343G
Jordan OP45 GN 02402.361G
Kenya OP76 GN 02402.400B
Laos OP64 GN 02402.389A
Latvia OP44 GN 02402.373G
Lebanon OP52 GN 02402.378A
Lesotho OP140 GN 02402.461B
Liberia OP83 GN 02402.405B
Libya OP149 GN 02402.471B
Lithuania OP34 GN 02402.347G
Luxembourg OP29 GN 02402.349G
Macao OP101 GN 02402.422B
Macedonia OP63 GN 02402.387A
Madagascar OP152 GN 02402.473B
Malawi OP130 GN 02402.452B
Malaysia OP56 GN 02402.385A
Maldives OP136 GN 02402.456B
Mali OP141 GN 02402.462B
Malta OP16 GN 02402.327E
Marshall Islands OP104 GN 02402.423B
Martinique OP42 GN 02402.374G
Mauritania OP150 GN 02402.472B
Mauritius OP142 GN 02402.463B
Mexico SP-OP2 GN 02402.338E
Micronesia OP103 GN 02402.424B
Moldova OP115 GN 02402.437B
Monaco OP37 GN 02402.367G
Mongolia OP133 GN 02402.453B
Montenegro OP100 GN 02402.396B
Montserrat OP90 GN 02402.412B
Morocco OP58 GN 02402.297B
Myanmar OP116 GN 02402.438B
Niger OP143 GN 02402.464B
Nepal OP117 GN 02402.439B
Nauru OP40 GN 02402.363G
Netherlands OP17 GN 02402.328E
New Caledonia OP125 GN 02402.448B
New Zealand OP19 GN 02402.330E
Nicaragua OP86 GN 02402.414B
Nigeria OP53 GN 02402.379A
Norway OP20 GN 02402.305E
Pakistan OP46 GN 02402.375G
Palau OP72 GN 02402.433B
Palestinian Territory OP70 GN 02402.406B
Panama OP21 GN 02402.342G
Papua New Guinea OP128 GN 02402.449B
Paraguay OP66 GN 02402.391B
Peru OP43 GN 02402.376G
Philippines OP77 GN 02402.401B
Poland PO GN 02402.340G
Poland, English version PO-OP1 GN 02402.340G
Portugal PE GN 02402.306E
Qatar OP111 GN 02402.434B
Republic of Congo OP151 GN 02402.467B
Romania OP45 GN 02402.377G
Russia OP65 GN 02402.392B
Rwanda OP144 GN 02402.465B
Samoa OP30 GN 02402.353G
San Marino OP38 GN 02402.368G
Saudi Arabia OP73 GN 02402.435B
Senegal OP102 GN 02402.425B
Serbia OP68 GN 02402.395A
Sierra Leone OP67 GN 02402.383A
Singapore OP35 GN 02402.352G
Sint Maarten OP18 GN 02402.329E
Slovakia OP31 GN 02402.348G
Slovenia OP32 GN 02402.350G
Solomon Islands OP120 GN 02402.443B
South Africa OP22 GN 02402.331E
South Korea SK GN 02402.366G
Spain SP GN 02402.307E
Sri Lanka OP62 GN 02402.394A
St. Kitts and Nevis OP23 GN 02402.336E
St. Lucia OP24 GN 02402.332E
St. Vincent and the Grenadines OP25 GN 02402.333E
Sudan OP106 GN 02402.428B
Suriname OP82 GN 02402.402B
Sweden SW GN 02402.308E
Switzerland SZ GN 02402.334E
Taiwan OP79 GN 02402.409B
Tanzania OP81 GN 02402.403B
Thailand OP107 GN 02402.419B
Tonga OP119 GN 02402.444B
Trinidad and Tobago OP26 GN 02402.335E
Tunisia OP54 GN 02402.381A
Turkey OP27 GN 02402.346F
Turks and Caicos OP118 GN 02402.440B
Uganda OP110 GN 02402.429B
Ukraine OP134 GN 02402.457B
United Arab Emirates OP112 GN 02402.430B
United Kingdom UK GN 02402.309E
Uruguay OP89 GN 02402.413B
Vanuatu OP131 GN 02402.454B
Vietnam OP80 GN 02402.408B
Yemen OP123 GN 02402.445B
Zimbabwe OP137 GN 02402.458B