
The Spanish simple present tense ( el presente or el presente del indicativo ) can be used to talk about habitual actions, routines, things happening now or in the near future, universal truths, facts, hypotheticals, lapses of time, and for ordering in restaurants and stores.

Regular Present Indicative Forms

Below you'll find instructions for forming regular verbs in the present tense, including the endings you need to know for -ar , -er , and -ir verbs.

Verbs that End in -ar

To conjugate an -ar verb, remove the infinitive ending ( -ar ) and add the ending that matches the subject. You can find these endings in the table below.

Present Tense Endings for -ar Verbs

habl o habl as habl a habl a habl amos habl áis habl an habl an -ar Endings
yo -o
usted -a
él, ella -a
nosotros -amos
vosotros -áis
ustedes -an
ellos, ellas -an
Example with Habl ar
yo habl o
habl as
usted habl a
él, ella habl a
nosotros habl amos
vosotros habl áis
ustedes habl an
ellos, ellas habl an
English translation
yoI speak
you (informal) speak
ustedyou (formal) speak
él, ellahe/she speaks
nosotroswe speak
vosotrosyou (informal) speak
ustedesyou (formal) speak
ellos, ellasthey speak

Verbs that End in -er

To conjugate an -er verb, remove the infinitive ending ( -er ) and add the ending that matches the subject. You can find these endings in the table below.

Present Tense Endings for -er Verbs

com o com es com e com e com emos com éis com en com en -er Endings
yo -o
usted -e
él, ella -e
nosotros -emos
vosotros -éis
ustedes -en
ellos, ellas -en
Example with Com er
yo com o
com es
usted com e
él, ella com e
nosotros com emos
vosotros com éis
ustedes com en
ellos, ellas com en
English translation
yoI eat
you (informal) eat
ustedyou (formal) eat
él, ellahe/she eats
nosotroswe eat
vosotrosyou (informal) eat
ustedesyou (formal) eat
ellos, ellasthey eat

Verbs that End in -ir

To conjugate an -ir verb, remove the infinitive ending ( -ir ) and add the ending that matches the subject. You can find these endings in the table below.

Present Tense Endings for -ir Verbs

viv o viv es viv e viv e viv imos viv ís viv en viv en -ir Endings
yo -o
usted -e
él, ella -e
nosotros -imos
vosotros -ís
ustedes -en
ellos, ellas -en
Example with Viv ir
yo viv o
viv es
usted viv e
él, ella viv e
nosotros viv imos
vosotros viv ís
ustedes viv en
ellos, ellas viv en
English translation
yoI live
you (informal) live
ustedyou (formal) live
él, ellahe/she lives
nosotroswe live
vosotrosyou (informal) live
ustedesyou (formal) live
ellos, ellasthey live

Copy Cats

Notice that most of the present tense endings for -er and -ir verbs are the same. Only the nosotros and vosotros endings are different.

Irregular Yo Forms

Some present tense yo conjugations undergo spelling changes or are irregular.

Verbs with Spelling Changes in the Yo Form

Verbs that end in -guir , -ger , or -gir undergo a spelling change in their present tense yo forms.

extinguir extingo dirigir dirijo escoger escojo exigir exijo recoger recojo

Verbs with Irregular Yo Forms

The following verbs have irregular yo forms. The other present tense forms of these verbs follow the patterns for regular -ar , -er , and -ir verbs.

caber quepo caer caigo conocer conozco dar doy hacer hago poner pongo saber salir salgo traducir traduzco traer traigo valer valgo ver veo

Most verbs that end in -cer or -ucir have irregular present tense yo forms. Click here for more on irregular present tense verbs.

Here are a few examples of the above verbs in action.

Hago la tarea en la biblioteca. I do my homework in the library. Sé que hoy es martes. I know today is Tuesday.

Stem-changing Verbs

Many present tense verbs undergo what is called a stem change. The present tense endings for these verbs are regular, but there is a vowel change in the verb stem (the part of the verb that comes before -ar , -er , or -ir ). Click here to read our article on stem-changing verbs.

Present Indicative Uses

The Spanish present tense can be used to talk about habitual actions, routines, things happening now or in the near future, universal truths, facts, hypotheticals, lapses of time, and for ordering in restaurants and stores. Read on for more on each of these uses.

Dropping Subject Pronouns

Because the endings of Spanish verbs indicate who the subject of an action is, you can often drop the subject pronoun ( yo , , nosotros , etc.). Many Spanish speakers rarely use personal pronouns, although this varies from country to country.

For example, in the sentence Hablo español. (I speak Spanish.), the pronoun yo isn't really necessary. The -o ending tells you who the subject of the verb is.

1. Habitual Actions

Habitual actions are activities that a person does every day (or very often). Daily routines, responsibilities, hobbies, and jobs can be talked about using the present tense.