Users Manual

1.Read t hese instru ctions – Al l the safety and operat ing instruc tions shoul d be read b efore this product is operated.

2.Keep t hese instru ctions – Th e safety and operating instruction s should be retained f or future r eference.

3.Heed a ll warnings – All warni ngs on the appliance a nd in the o perating in structions should be a dhered to.

4.Follow all instru ctions – Al l operating and use ins tructions s hould be fo llowed.

5.Do not use this a pparatus nea r water – T he applianc e should no t be used n ear water o r moisture – for examp le, in a we t

basement or near a swimming po ol, and the like. 6.Clean only with d ry cloth.

7.Do not block any ventilation openings. I nstall in a ccordance w ith the man ufacture’s instruction s.

8.Do not install ne ar any heat sources suc h as radiat ors, heat r egisters, s toves, or o ther appara tus (includ ing amplifi ers) that

produce heat.

9.Do not defeat the safety purp ose of the polarized o r grounding plug. A po larized plu g has two b lades with one wider t han the

other. A grounding plug has two blades and a third gr ounding pro ng. The wid e blade or the third p rong is pro vided for y our safety.

If the p rovided plu g does not f it into you r outlet, c onsult an e lectrician for replace ment of the obsolete o utlet.

10.Prote ct the powe r cord from being walke d on or pin ched partic ularly at t he plugs, c onvenience receptacles , and at th e point

where th ey exit fro m the appar atus. 11.Only use attachm ents/access ories specif ied by the manufacture r.

12.Use o nly with th e cart, sta nd, tripod, bracket, or table spec ified by th e manufactu rer, or sol d with the apparatus. When a cart

or rack is used, us e caution w hen moving t he cart/app aratus comb ination to avoid injur y from tip- over.

The ba tteries shal l not be ex posed to ex cessive hea t such as s unshine, fi re or the l ike. 13.Unplu g the appar atus during lightning s torms or wh en unused f or long per iods of tim e.

14.Refer all servic ing to qual ified person nel. Servic ing is requ ired when t he apparatu s has been damaged

in any w ay, such as power supp ly cord or p lug is dama ged, liquid has been s pilled or o bjects have fallen

into the apparatus has been exp osed to rai n or moistu re, does no t operate n ormally, or has been d ropped.

15.CAUTI ON: These s ervicing in structions a re for use by qualifie d service p ersonnel on ly.

To reduc e the risk of electric shock, do n ot perform any servici ng other th an that con tained in t he operatin g

instruc tions unles s you are q ualified to do so.

16.Do no t install t his equipmen t in a conf ined or bui lding-in sp ace such as a book cas e or simila r unit, and remain a w ell

ventilat ion conditi ons at open site. The v entilation should not be impeded by covering the ventil ation openi ngs with it ems such

as newsp aper, table -cloths, cu rtains etc.

17.WARNI NG: Only us e attachmen ts/accessori es specifie d or provid ed by the m anufacturer (such as t he exclusiv e supply

adapter, battery et c).

18.WARNI NG : Please r efer the inf ormation on exterior b ottom enclo sure for el ectrical an d safety in formation b efore insta lling or

operatin g the appar atus.

19.WARNI NG : To reduc e the risk o f fire or e lectric sho ck, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. T he apparatu s shall

not be e xposed to d ripping or s plashing an d that obje cts filled with liquid s, such as vases, shal l not be pl aced on app aratus.

20.WARNI NG: The mai ns plug or appliance co upler is us ed as disco nnect devic e, the disc onnect devi ce shall re main readil y

21. Th is equipmen t is a Clas s II or dou ble insulate d electrica l appliance . It has be en designed in such a way that it does not